
“Train” Taranei [Turkey] 去什么地方呢的英文?这么晚了,To what place? It’s so late,美丽的火车,孤独的火车?The beauty of the train, the train alone?凄苦是你汽笛的声音,Sad is you whistle voice,令人记起了很多事情。It is to remember a lot of things.为什么我不该挥手舞手巾呢?Why shouldn’t I Waving Dance towels?乘客多少都跟我有亲。How many passengers are told me dear.去吧,但愿你一路平安,Go, I wish you May you be safe throughout the journey,桥都坚固,隧道都光明。Bridges are strong, tunnel light.


火车”的是train,英式读音是 [treɪn],美式读音是 [treɪn]。

1. In 1941, the train would have been pulled by a steam engine。1941年,火车本可以由蒸汽机车拉动。

2. Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning。今天早上德国东北部两列火车迎面相撞。

3. He lost a foot when he was struck by a train。他给火车撞伤,失去了一只脚。

4. The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line。火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。

5. The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains。火车站上有冲鼻的猫味和臭水沟味。

6. The train’s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles。火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。

上一篇 2022年5月28日 下午1:32
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