
厦门大学王亚南经济研究院(The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economic,Xiamen University)简称WISE。2005年6月的名词,以教育部人文社科重点基地为基础、依托于“985工程”二期项目的厦门大学王亚南经济研究院(以下简称“研究院” ,或用英文首字母缩略“WISE”)应运而生。WISE是一个实体性的教育科研机构,下设计量经济学研究中心、金融经济学研究中心等八大科研机构。WISE聘请中国社会科学院顾问王洛林教授任名誉院长,美国康奈尔大学和厦门大学双聘教授洪永淼任院长,并有多名诺贝尔经济学得主担任学术顾问,科研能力十分突出。


there is an interesting old chinese saying. i wonder if you have heard of it. “Wise man appears dumb”. it means that wise man often conceals his intelligence. however, i don’t truly agree with it because i believe that through sharing ideas we can creat more wisdom. so, don’t be dumb. wise men TEACH each other.

各位知道的和不知道的都是知识。 朋友们相聚在寻找知识的乐趣上。 分数的悬赏要求和最佳答案的采纳标准, 与提问者有主要的关系。 雅虎中国知识堂的积分等级和分数只是一个采纳知识的游戏。I don’t care about the points, and I am more than willing to reward the best answers with the highest rewards on this system.

u’ll need to know how stupid is stupid before u really understand how wise is s, u’re wise when u have a different answer from anyone else’s. but do u want to know how stupid is stupid at all? then u give me 110 points and i’ll answer u this question.

上一篇 2022年5月27日 上午2:53
下一篇 2022年5月27日 上午2:53
