
在日本,用“LDK”来表示房屋的格局, “L”代表起居室(Living Room),“D”代表饭厅(Dinning Room),“K”代表厨房(Kitchen)。因此“LDK”就代表了一间起居室+一间饭厅+一间厨房,如果要说的更加通俗一点相当于我们说的“一室一厅”。;“2LDK”,“3LDK”前面的数字就代表着起居室的数量,用我们的话来说也就是“两室一厅”,“三室一厅”。除此之外还有“1R”dinning、“1K”和“1DK”的房屋格局。“1R”就是起居室、卫生间、厨房都在一间房间的格局,面积非常小适合一个人住。;扩展资料;“1K”和“1R”相比就是把厨房的空间分割了出来,适合常常做饭的一人居住,但面积也很小。;帖是日本建筑物房间的表示面积大小的单位,和“畳(たたみ)”是同样的大小,基本上是90厘米×180厘米=1.62㎡左右,只不过“畳”往往用在和式的,铺有榻榻米的房间。;根据统计,LDK的平均大小大概是「20.4畳」,乘以1.62换算差不多就是33㎡左右。一般独居的日本年轻人考虑到租金问题大多数会选择1K或者1R的房子,差不多也就是10来平米。;可以说是相当狭小。但就是这30来平米的房子,哪怕是有一家三口人一起居住日本人也可以整理得井井有条。


对,and表并列,后面has already get(gotten?) up 是不能和waiting for u 构成并列的,所以不对。



西方人的bed-room一般在楼上,dining hall在楼下,尚未起床叫be in bed,起床并梳洗完毕叫be up,梳洗完毕并且下了楼叫be down,它们都表示状态。题干中既然有waiting for u in the dinning hall,说明已经处于be up状态了。而get up这个动作只表示起床,也许还在梳洗尚未下楼呢。


因为and连接两个并列的谓语动词,显然不能用has already get waiting for u

  Alone at the dinning room table, surrounded by a darkened house, I sat in tears。一个人坐在餐厅的桌子前流泪,周围是一匹深色的马As a recently divorced(离婚)man with his children, I was determined to give my children as normal and 作为一个刚刚离婚的男人带着他的孩子,我决定尽量给我的孩子们一个正常和稳定的生活stable a home life as possible。
   I put on a happy face for them。 I kept their activities as close to how they had been as I could。我让他们感到我很高兴,我试着让他们的活动尽量和以前的一样Sitting at the dinning room table, I knew that this was the first time since I came home from work that I’d 坐在餐厅的桌子前,我知道这是第一次我可以回来后坐下来been able to just sit down。
   I had cooked and served and encouraged the two little ones to eat。 I had我做好了饭,分给了孩子们,试了让这最小的两个孩子吃, done the dishes while responding to their many requests for attention。
   The bath, the stories, the我把盘子洗好同时回答了孩子们的要求。这路,这故事,这晚间的唱歌, nighttime singing, and now, at long last, there is a short moment for myself。
   The silence was a relief for现在,终于有了短短的时间给我自己。这会儿的寂静成了我的解脱 the moment。Then it all crowded in on me: the hard work, the weight of the responsibility, the worry about bills。
  I wasn’t然后,思绪全都跑过来,辛苦的工作,沉重的负担,担心账单,我不知道我能不能付这个月的账单 sure I could pay that month, the endless details of running a house, and loneliness。
  I felt as though I 这些说不完的事情和寂寞。 我感觉到我已经到了寂寞的极点。were at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness。 Unexpectedly, tears came into my eyes。
   I sat there, 我的眼泪不由自主地涌入眼睑。我坐在那里轻轻地啜泣silently sobbing(啜泣)。Just then, a pair of little arms went around my waist I looked down into my five-year-old son’s tender 就在这时,一双小小的胳膊绕到了我的腰上,我看见了我五岁的儿子温柔的脸庞face。
  I was embarrassed to be seen crying by my son。 “I’m sorry, Ethan, I didn’t know you were still awake。 I 我们感到很惭愧让儿子看到了我哭,我说:”对不起,Ethan,我不知道你还醒着。
  我不是想哭didn’t mean to cry。 I’m sorry。 I’m just a little sad tonight。”对不起,我只是今晚有一点伤心。““It’s okay, Daddy。 It’s okay to cry because you’re just a person。
  ””没关系,爸爸,你哭是因为你也是人哪。”I can’t express how happy he made me。 This little boy gave me permission to cry 。 He seemed to be我无法形容他让我多么高兴。
  这个小男孩给了我许可去哭。他好像是说 saying that I didn’t always have to be strong, that it was sometimes possible to allow myself to feel weak 我不需要永远刚强,有时候可能的话要让自己软弱去释放感情and let out my feelings。
  He crept(爬)onto my lap and we hugged and talked for a while, and I took him back up to his bed。 他爬到我的腿上,然后拥抱着我和我说了一会。我把他带回了他的床上Somehow, it was possible for me to get to sleep that night, too。
   Thank you, my son。不知为啥,那晚,我可以睡觉了,谢谢你,我的儿子。 完了,好美的小说,可以告诉我名字吗?谢谢!。

上一篇 2022年5月26日 上午7:07
下一篇 2022年5月26日 上午7:07
