
  A train is a connected series of vehicles that move along a track (permanent way) to transport freight or passengers from one place to another火车的
   The track usually consists of two rails, but might also be a monorail or maglev guideway。 Propulsion for the train is provided by a separate locomotive, or from individual motors in self-propelled multiple units。
   Most modern trains are powered by diesel locomotives or by electricity supplied by overhead wires or additional rails, although historically (from the early 19th century to the mid-20th century) the steam locomotive was the dominant form of locomotive power。
   Other sources of power (such as horses, rope or wire, gravity, pneumatics, and gas turbines) are possible。
The word ‘train’ comes from the Old French trahiner, itself from the Latin trahere ‘pull, draw’。


英语时有时无,就算有也然并卵,报站音十分温和,一个走神就过去了。 坐过站多半是因为旅途劳累精神涣散,而不是因为听不懂或者看不懂。 火车还是靠离线地图来定位最保险,地铁每节车厢的两端如果有跑马灯,就看这个来确定位置。如果车厢是那种老式的,就只能数站了。




记住前5个字母 记清坐几站和方向 基本不会错

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